Healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, obesity and overweight problems, preventive nutrition for various pathologies of organs and systems, microelementology, sports nutrition, Nutrition for pregnant and lactating women, Dietetics in Oncology and Rehabilitation, rational nutrition of children and adolescents, balanced diet in old age, preparation of an individual diet, nutrition for anorexia, dietetics in cosmetology, Anti-aging dietetics.
Author of educational programs and courses of Nutritionists and nutritionists for doctors "Children's Nutrition", "Nutriciology for adults", "Nutriciology for cosmetologists".
Author of numerous articles on healthy nutrition, preventive medicine, ultrasound diagnostics and cardiology.
Program author "Therapeutic nutrition"; "Individual approach to weight correction".
Participant and consultant of television and radio programs: channel Inter channel Ukraine/ News on ISTV/ СІТІ/ First National/ on 1+1 "Ranok"/ INTER/ M1 channel/ EspressoTV/Radio Suite.
Consultant for Kraft Foods Ukraine, TEFAL, Mirgorodskaya, Thermomix
Consultant for publications: "Blik Zdorovye", "Express Gazeta", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Newspaper in Ukrainian", "Newspaper in Kiev", "Forbes Ukraine" magazine "We lose weight easily" and "Women's magazine Health", newspaper "Today", "Liza" magazine, "Word about Health".
Consultant of Internet portals: "Likar info", "Smachno" portal "I want", "" and etc.
Participation in festivals of healthy food FoodFestival-2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. Healthy food for children "Mom's card + Agusha", "My child" and others.
Participation in clinical trials for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure (PERFECT, FACT-CH), treatment of metabolic syndrome.
Thematic lectures at the Agricultural Academy, Ernst & Young (health days), Danon, Worwag Farma, Solgar, ORTOMOL farma.
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